7 Tips for a Stress-Free Wedding Morning

While it may not seem as important as other parts of the day, the morning of your wedding can set the tone for the whole day. Brides that have a frazzled wedding morning often appear stressed and anxious in their wedding pictures and during the ceremony. Starting your wedding morning off calm and stress-free will make the whole day more enjoyable.


Here are some tips from our experienced wedding photographers to help you have an easy, stress-free wedding morning!


Schedule Ahead of Time

Running behind is a major cause of stress, so try to schedule everything out ahead of time. Write down when vendors will arrive, such as hair and makeup and photographers. Give yourself extra time as well as things tend to run longer than expected. Having a detailed schedule will ensure you and everyone else know when and where they need to be.


Pick a Point Person

Nothing ruins a bride’s wedding morning more than unwanted questions and calls. We recommend directing all inquiries to a dedicated point person such as your mother, maid of honor, or a close family or friend. They can field calls from lost guests or vendors with last-minute questions so that you can focus on getting ready and staying calm.


Prioritize the Bride

One of the most common mistakes we see during the getting-ready shoot is brides going last for hair and makeup. This leaves them anxious and stressed as they watch the clock tick down. Our photographers recommend the bride go first, then tackle the rest of the wedding party. This means that the bride is ready to go so they can snap a few pictures and also have time for touch-ups at the end if needed.


Remember to Eat

The wedding day is so busy, and many couples find they barely get to enjoy the reception meal they painstakingly picked out. That’s why it’s so important for both the bride and groom, as well as the whole wedding party, to eat something before the day gets started. A morning meal will keep you from getting hangry and keep you fueled for the day.


Limit the Drinks

Many brides like to toast their wedding day with their bridal party as they get ready. Our photographers love capturing these shots but be careful not to overdo it. There’s nothing tackier than a drunk bride! Especially before the ceremony even. Try to limit your drinks to one or two.


Pack a Bridal Emergency Kit

Things can always go wrong, which is why it’s best to be prepared. Try preparing an emergency kit, or ask your maid of honor to prep one. Include things such as make-up, deodorant, safety pins, extra undergarments, etc. Knowing you have backups will give you the ease of mind.


Keep Everything Together

Make sure you keep all your supplies together in the same room. This will keep you from running around, dashing between rooms looking for a comb or spare phone charger. Having everything in one place makes getting ready smoother and reduces the chance you’ll forget anything.


Looking for a wedding videographer or photographer to capture your special day? Contact AGI Studio today! Our team of experienced and award-winning photographers is ready to shoot your wedding day, from morning to evening.

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